Tag Archives: Certified Habitat

National Wildlife Federation Certifies New Wildlife Habitat in Tijeras, New Mexico

555937_4398759251830_1009391537_nTijeras, New Mexico – September 12, 2016 – The National Wildlife Federation (NWF), America’s largest wildlife conservation and education organization, is pleased to recognize that Lawrence and Kristen Clark in Tijeras have successfully created a Certified Wildlife Habitat through its Garden for Wildlife program. NWF celebrates the efforts of Lawrence and Kristen to create a 2.5 acre garden that improves habitat for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife by providing essential elements needed by all wildlife – natural food sources, clean water, cover, and places to raise young.

“We are so excite to have another passionate wildlife gardener join us and create a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Over the last 40 years, nearly 200,000 wildlife gardeners have joined NWF’s Garden for Wildlife movement and helped restore wildlife habitat right in their own yards and neighborhoods,” said David Mizejewski, naturalist with the National Wildlife Federation.  “Whether you garden in a suburban yard, an apartment balcony or a 10-acre farm, a schoolyard, or business, park, or anything in between, everyone can create a home for local wildlife.  Turning your space into a Certified Wildlife Habitat is fun, easy, and makes a big difference for neighborhood wildlife,” he added.

The Clarks certified their 2.5 acre mountainous habitat in response to the “Dog Head” fire in June. “My heart ached for the resulting loss, nearly 18,000 acres of beautiful forest and wildlife,” Kristen shared.  “But I was also grateful. Our home and belongings were spared and we now have ample opportunity to provide food, water, and habitat to many displaced and stressed birds.” She went on to explain, “And the birds need our help. Research indicates that it will take some 100 years, if not more, before a forest will return to normal conditions after a fire. Unfortunately, not all of the birds can wait that long.”

Kristen is raising $10,500 dollars to stock their certified wildlife habitat and provide the special care and feeding of the impacted birds. This the result of a definite surge in both population and species after the fire, but also because national forests aren’t staffed to provide adequate food or water for birds, especially during critical winter months or droughts when food and water are scarce.  Additionally, every certified habitat is a step toward replenishing resources for wildlife, both locally and along migratory corridors.

About National Wildlife Federation

The NWF’s Garden for Wildlife program encourages responsible gardening for people like the Clarks. It encourages planting with native species like milkweed and discouraging chemical pesticide use.  With nearly 200,000 locations and growing, NWF’s Certified Wildlife Habitats and Community Wildlife Habitats recognize individuals, schools, groups and whole communities committed to providing habitat for wildlife, including pollinators.  For more information on gardening for wildlife and details on how an entire community can become certified, visit www.nwf.org/habitat or call 1-800-822-9919.


Lacey McCormick

National Wildlife Federation




About Backyard Birding Paradise

Kristen Clark is a fan of all things beautiful, with a special love for birds. The author of several bird books, including The Special Care & Feeding of Backyard Birds, she founded Backyard Birding Paradise to educate others on the benefits and value of bird-watching.


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Contact:  Kristen Clark

Tijeras, NM

