I struck gold! I found a set of 12 miniature wood bird houses on sale and I just knew I could do SOMETHING creative with them. So, I shoveled out the cash and brought ‘em home.
Once home, I just stared at them, obsessing over my dilemma – do I make cutesy artsy decorative bird houses? Or do I make cutesy artsy decorative bird feeders?
After a few days I decided… cutesy artsy decorative bird feeders! Just take a look, and this was easy peasy.
FIRST, I removed the price sticker from the bottom of the miniature bird house.
- SECOND, I coated the bird house with creamy peanut butter, using a butter knife to get into the small areas.
- THIRD, I coated the bird house with a bird seed blend, including their favorite black oil sunflower seed. I set the house on a piece of tin foil and left it alone for 24 hours.
FOURTH, I added more peanut butter to select locations on the bird house for securing fresh cuts of juniper, including the berries. I left it on the tin foil for another 24 hours; the peanut butter served as an adhesive for the sprigs of juniper.
- FIFTH, I discovered a HUGE ERROR on my part…
My SECOND step should have been drilling small holes into the roof of the bird house to thread string or colored ribbon through for hanging. Oops! This should have been done BEFORE I coated the house with creamy peanut butter.
My husband laughed when I showed him my error, “That’s okay, we can use the drill and still add the holes, but yes, it’s better if you can remember to that first next time.”
Lesson learned, and STILL I am thrilled with the way it turned out. After all was said and done, this little project cost me less than $5.00 each. Nice!
Now, another major dilemma… do I keep these for myself and put them in MY backyard for MY backyard birds? Or do I give them away as holiday hostess gifts or Christmas presents for SOMEONE ELSE’S backyard birds? Ugh! The agony!
What would you do?